Oct 12, 2013

Time for a change

As if having a new baby wasn't a big enough change I decided to totally re-vamp my whole look.  After all the indignities that happen from having a baby the last thing I want is to watch my shampoo model pregnancy locks falling out. I am serious! While you're pregnant your hair becomes this thick,  lustrous, mass of beautifulness (not a word I know). Then after the baby comes it's bye bye hair as you start to shed it in clumps.  Also, I may have been stuck in pony tail land . . .
So maybe with a new me I will start this blog again.

Next up on the blog The Birth Story of baby #2- why people want to read birth stories is beyond me, but I find myself reading them like some sort of novel I can't put down. I am enthralled with them. Like a good celebrity gossip magazine I am not sure why I am drawn to it and more disturbingly why am I reading it. So, I assume others have the same fascination with them too. You want to know, but you don't think you really want to know, but then you can't help yourself and you find yourself reading it to know. Right?! That last sentence could go down as the longest run-on sentence in history!


Unknown said...

so happy you are blogging again Kenzie..
and your hair is adorable. Sophia and you really rock that short hair!
Cant wait to hear the play by play of Beckett's birthday!

Idea Coliseum said...

awesome.... <3